Sunday, January 22, 2012

New York Giants Win At San Francisco 49ers!

WOOOOOWWWW!!!! Great football Sunday!!! Well.... Unfortunately the Patriots beat the Ravens, and are on their way to yet another Super Bowl, (in Indianapolis, none the less) but aside from that!!- The Giants- a Manning- are on their way to their second Super Bowl with the ELIte Manning himself as their quarterback. So unbELIvabley proud of them! And how do you like that? Eli is playing at big brother Peyton's home field and Brady and the Patriots are playing at their biggest rivals field. Great match up, RIGHT?! Well I'm excited. Oh! I failed to mention that the Patriots and the Giants have actually already played each other in Super Bowl XLII in 2008. Giants defeated the "undefeated" Patriots 17-14, Manning having thrown the game winning touchdown in the last few seconds of the game. It was unbELIevable, to say the least.

So possibly another Super Bowl for Mr. Manning???/ Of course!! Don't mess with Manning!

Ta-Ta for now!
                                                                          <3 Mary


My Trip To Indianapolis

So I'm just sitting here, wanting to sleep, but I also really want to blog... so I'll blog. I can sleep later:)

I was looking through my pictures and found a bunch from my trip to Indianapolis to see the Colts play the Steelers on September 25, 2011
We lost. Don't know if you follow football, but we went 2-14 this season. I know- AWFUL, but Peyton Manning, the best quarterback ever, (in my opinion) was absent this past season due to a neck injury.
But I still and always will love my Colts even if they went completely winless. I'm the epitome of a "true fan"
Anyways.... I hope you enjoy these photos!!
Inside Lucas Oil Stadium
Just a random part of Indianapolis, but I thought I would add it

All Blued-Out
oh wow... back when I had tinsel hair extensions! 

Indianapolis Colts Grille= One of the best places that I've been to

Outside Lucas Oil Stadium, going to watch a highschool football game

Just a photo I took of Lucas Oil from the cab on our way to the hotel

I will DEFINITELY be back in Indy soon! possibly when Peyton Manning returns in the 2012-2013 season? Of course!!
          Ta-Ta for now!
                                                                            <3 Mary

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Nails Of The Day

So I couldn't resist doing another blog post today, so I thought I'd show you what I just painted my nails with =D
I wanted something that would fit the winter season, but still wanted something that was bright in a way- and that's where glitter comes in! I've gotta tell ya, glitter will never fail me!

What I'm Wearing:
Barry M's Nail Paint in GREY
Essie's Lux Effects in SET IN STONES

I just love these two together! Kind of inspired by Carly Cristman, but she used Better! by OPI from the recent Muppets collection, and ever since she mentioned it in her blog, I seriously can't find it anywhere!

Hope that you enjoyed this ridiculously short post, just thought you'd like to see what the latest nail color was=D
       Ta-Ta for now!
                                                                             <3 Mary

Welcome To My Blog!

Hey! The name's Mary; 15 years young, Libra, Southern California, born and raised, not afraid to be crazy, reality TV chick (ANTM & Dance Moms are my fave) full time student, NFL fanatic (let's go Colts!) all things fashion and makeup obsessed, vegetarian. I dabble in a world of travelling, photography, writing, being a part of the NOH8 campaign, and piecing together outfits in my spare time. I'm the one who never starts the fights, the drama, the silent treatments- I'm just the one who enjoy's life...the one who's off in their own world (a "Floater", as my friend and I call it).

So you're probably asking yourself, what is this blog about?
Well... anything. Anything from a photograph I just took, to a new MAC collection that's launching this Thursday, to an OOTD (Outfit Of The Day, in case you were unfamiliar with the term)

I created this blog strictly for fashion and makeup, but of course, as you read, I decided to make it more than that- there's more to me than just fashion, you know.
Well even though I said I'm a writer, which I am, I do love it... but one thing I can never seem to be able to do is write a good conclusion, and maybe that's because I hate saying "goodbye", but I really must go because my mom's watching Crazy Stupid Love and that's possibly one of my favorite movies!
Well, as I hate saying goodbye, ta-ta for now!

                                                                                               <3 Mary

P.S: I can't say how much I love blogging already!! So fun!! Very relaxing, to just sit here with a cup of tea and just write to my heart's extent. Can't wait to write some more posts. So until then, I hope you enjoy these photo's of places I've been and people I've seen :)

                           A photo I took with my phone of my Diana Lomography Parisian Camera & I

                                                        Emma and I in our NoH8 photo

                        Thought I should add this, just so you know I'm not lying...she really is a Patriots fan

                                              European Invasion!!! My trip to London and Paris 2010

                                             IMATS (International Makeup Artist Tradeshow) 2011